Hello, my name is Isabella! My interest in botany stems from my appreciation for the natural world, and the fact that I just love being outside. It’s as simple as that!

(Please admire my slightly improved coat of arms because I thought I misplaced my original!)

In my coat of arms, you can see I am from Columbus, Ohio. I guess I liked it here enough to now attend The Ohio State University where I study Biology and Spanish. After my undergraduate studies, I plan to go to medical school.

My favorite plant is an orchid. I was randomly given an orchid as a gift two years ago, and I had absolutely no plant-care knowledge. But it’s still thriving! My orchid will be coming with me to medical school.

My motto is something I always think about when I go through adversity, so now as an aspiring botanist, it seems appropriate to think about it in terms of plants–– how even when they are weak or injured, they find a way to grow strong again.

Thanks for visiting my page!